Our position as a business with a desirable product, organic fluid milk, means any number of changes like increasing the price formula component factors, increasing Class I price surfaces, or changing the dynamics of Class I base price and its relationship with the other Classes, means that our farmer-owned cooperative will be forced to contribute more to the FMMO pools, perhaps twice as much as we pay now.
This reality would directly cut against organic dairy farmer pay price or the opportunity for end-of-year patronage. It will force us along with other fluid processors to step back from innovation in processing and products. It will likely increase consumer prices for fluid milk, a super food and staple in many Americans’ diets. We don’t really think increasing Class I pooling costs and consequently prices of fluid milk (organic milk or other) during inflationary times is going to bring us more consumers.
Anyone who tries to claim all dairy farmers are of one mind on changes to FMMOs is either unaware of the tenuous position of thousands of organic dairy farmers who have seen extreme input cost increases the last two years, or views us as only unfortunate collateral damage.
Well, that is damage my farm cannot accept. We need alternative ideas that recognize the role of specialty milks (like organic) in today’s dairy economy, reforms that understand the correlation of a supply chain’s unique costs to service the fluid milk market, and updates to the milk processing fee structure.
USDA needs to get this right, and base FMMOs modernization on conditions that are equitable and spur innovation, not suppress it or burden one segment of processors and their farmer supply partners.
David Hardy is a highly accomplished dairy farmer hailing from the town of Mohawk, New York. In addition to his role as a dairy farmer, David holds a prominent position on the board of directors for the CROPP Cooperative (Organic Valley,) where he currently serves as board chair. CROPP Cooperative is the largest organic dairy cooperative in the United States, with nearly 1,600 organic dairy farmers across 32 states.