7 May 2024
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Dairy farmers struggle for consumer loyalty

Producers told they must come to grips with new milk alternatives and increased scrutiny over production practices
Canada’s dairy producers no longer enjoy a privileged relationship with consumers whose support is unquestioned, says an industry leader.

In the wake of ‘Buttergate,’ here’s how to be a better dairy consumer

In February, Canadians learned something new about our food system: that palm-derived fats are not only common ingredients in the food we eat – everything from margarine to ice cream – but also in the feed many of this country’s one million dairy cows eat. And their diet might actually be changing the composition and nutritional profile of our butter supply.

China protects consumer rights amid domestic demand surge

In the face of an unprecedented pandemic and the world’s urgent need to revive economy, China has mustered resources to answer the call from its huge population of consumers, as the 39th World Consumer Rights Day is observed Monday.